Product FAQ Magento Extension

Last Update
6 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

During our time developing Magento websites, we have found the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page a common request. This allows the shop owner to list the most frequent asked questions from their customers with the answers. However, over time – we have noticed customers have common FAQ’s for the products themselves. These product based questions shouldn’t go on the generic FAQ’s page as it will make the page far too big making it hard for the customer to find what they are looking for. The solution.. Here at Green Acorn, we have developed an easy to use Product FAQ Magento Extension. This will allow customers to view common FAQ’s based on the product they are viewing. If they don’t see what they are looking for, they can submit a question via a form which can be approved and answered by the admin.

Key Features:

Shows approved frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) on the product page Allows customers to submit a question via the product page Manage FAQ’s via the Magento admin Answer questions via the Magento admin Use the WYSIWYG editor to format your questions and answers Approve and delete FAQ’s Mass delete FAQ’s Mass update FAQ statuses Create new FAQ’s via the Magento admin Optional spam prevention (recommended to keep on)

Export FAQ admin grid to a CSV or XML file Limit how many FAQ’s can be displayed on the product page. Improves user experience Easy to install