RSS Reader for iPhone

Last Update
8 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

RSS, Blog and Atom Reader for iPhone.

Video demo:

This project is written in Xcode 4.5 using the iOS SDK. This app currently supports iOS 5+ and using ARC. Storyboards used in this project so that customising is pretty simple.

It is ready for App Store submission without any modification.

You can integrate it into your application within couple of minutes.


V2.0 open the full feed in web view within the app

now share the feed title and feed URL together


Can be used as blog reader

Complete Xcode Project

StoryBoard supported

Ready to submit to app store


Supports iphone 5

Retina Display Ready

Supports Portrait Orientation

Learn and customise navigation bar and barbutton items

Well explained code. Documentation included

Able to customise easily since it is using storyboards