WP Full Stripe

Last Update
24 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

WP Full Stripe Full Stripe is a Wordpress plugin designed to make it easy for you to accept payments and create subscriptions from your Wordpress site. Powered by Stripe, you can embed payment forms into any post or page and take payments directly from your website without making your customers leave for a 3rd party website. You can also pay others from your account balance using the bank transfer feature Features

Securely take payments from any page or post on your Wordpress site Create multiple versions of payment forms to suit your needs Allow your users to subscribe for recurring payments Easily view your received payments, subscribers, plans and more Initiate bank transfers so you can pay others using your account balance Fully supported, professionaly written and regularly updated software

Compatability WP Full Stripe has been fully tested and working on Wordpress version 3.6 and 3.5.2. The plugin will be updated in the future if Wordpress updates any functionality it relies upon. Full Stripe will also work with any theme and you can easily style the forms if you require. The plugin supports both the US and Canadian versions of Stripe, plus the UK and Ireland beta versions. Please note that the bank transfer feature is only available to US Stripe accounts at this time. Usage Please see the included help section of the plugin once activated. There you will find details on how to use all the features of this plugin. Support As always, there is full support available at:http://mammothology.com/forums