Premium Floor Plans and Presentations

Last Update
15 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Premium Floor Plans and Presentations allows you to create interactive floor plans or any type of presentation quick and easy through an easy to use visual editor inside of WordPress. Premium Floor Plans and Presentations is perfect for shopping malls, conference/exhibit halls, office buildings, real estate floor plans, retail products, automotive and so much more. Premium Floor Plans and Presentations comes packed with many features and video documentation.

Plug-in Requirements: WordPress 3.5 or 3.6 JavaScript enabled browser

Desktop Browser compatibility: IE 8+ Chrome Firefox Opera Safari

Mobile Browser compatibility: Firefox (Android) Chrome (iOS and Android) Safari (iOS) Opera (iOS and Android)

Also includes: Localization support (.po and .mo files included) Text documentation Video Walkthroughs

Official plug-in website:

View the Floor Plan Demo

View the Automotive Demo

Updates :

Premium Floor Plans v 1.2

Whats New in 1.2 :

- HTML tags can now be added in the Panel Descriptions.

Premium Floor Plans v 1.1

Whats New in 1.1 :

- jQuery.parse error fixed in administation system