Image / Banner Ad Popup Plugin for WordPress

Last Update
30 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Image / Ad Popups is an easy to use plugin that allows you to display any image (whether it be a banner image, ad image, picture, image with an announcement or message, eCommerce product sale banner or affiliate offer image) on any page or multiple pages on your site.

Key Features

Easy to use dashboard. No coding required!

Upload an image or enter a URL Set width and height of popup

Page level Targeting (different popups for each post/page, choose a popup for all pages or all posts or for the home page or logged in users only)

Enter the URL for clicks on your popup (can be on your site or on another website)

Open Delay (open popup delay in seconds)

Hide popup after x impressions or x days

Customize the overlay (area around the popup) by choosing the color and opacity/transparency

Close button (optional)

Analytic statistics including impressions, clicks and conversion rate

Welcome Popup Create a custom popup on your home page to welcome your visitors. The popup can display any message that you create within your image and can link to any page on your site (to help them drill deeper into your website), a product that you’re promoting (if you’re an eCommerce store this could be any product on your site or another site) or an affiliate offer (add your affiliate link and send them to an offer you’re promoting). Special Membership Site Popup Create a custom popup for visitors who are logged into your site. This message overrides other popups that you’ve created e.g. if a logged in user visits your home page, they will see the logged in popup as opposed to the home page popup. This allows you to customize it specifically for those people who are members. Custom All Page / Post Popup All pages and all posts are two different global settings. The advantage of having them separate is that if you want a different popup to be shown on your pages or a popup to only appear on your posts then this is easy to do. Individual Page / Post Popups Each page or post can be setup with its own popup. This popup will override any global “all page/post” settings so you can be sure that your special popup will be the only one that will be shown to visitors to that page or post.