WP Visual Gallery WordPress Plugin

Last Update
10 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

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WP Visual Gallery – WVG – is a WordPress Plugin, which can be used to display the photo, video as the gallery. WVG can be used

To display photos on your site – all or one of the photos on Media library. To dislay photos on Flickr Photoset by use API, FREE and easy to get one. To display video collection on Youtube or your Youtube Channel.

Demo http://wpoffice.net/demo-visual-gallery

Some pics

Customer testimonials Changelog Ver 1.1 – 08/10/2013

Add a option to order the clip with Youtube Channel. Eg: [vgallery_youtube_channel channel="Your channel" orderby="Eg: published or relevance or viewCount or rating" limit=""]

Ver 1.0 – 07/24/2013

Initial Release