HTML5 Music Player for WordPress with 3 Skins

Last Update
24 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

HTML5 Music Player for WordPress This HTML5 music player is great for anyone who needs their music to work on both desktops and mobile devices. It has three CSS3 based skins to choose from and comes with a custom built Flash fallback for older browsers that don’t support HTML5 Audio. Rebuilt from the ground up, this plugin is the WP version of this file.        Admin options to create a number of different looks

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100% Retina-ready Mobile Support including iPhone, iPad, Android Built in Flash backup for IE8 3 Core CSS3 Skins to choose from jQuery free so you never have to worry about jQuery conflicts. Have multiple players on the same page that will toggle each other. Option to use Flash backup for Firefox so mp3 can be used across all browsers and devices.

Other Settings Include

Autoplay Music Randomize Songs Set Volume Loop Songs Use or hide the headphones button Set the player to start open or closed Show/hide song numbers Show/hide song titles Show/hide player controls Make songs available for download Optional “purchase” button

Music Used in the Preview

AudioQuattro – Sky Trix-Music – Bring The Bomb abir187 – Catchy Hip hop Violin Loop metrolightmusic – Long Ride Home rtofvnt – Eco-rporate palmtreep – Lucius Dei adamjamescuz – Drifter AudioQuattro – We Hope fifty_tons – Sexy Bass

Special Notes

Background images and songs are for preview purposes only and are not included in the source download. Autoplay is not available on mobile devices due to mobile device restrictions. Downloads will not work on Apple mobile devices (download button will be hidden automatically). Downloads will only work if the song is located on the same server as the player. When a player has only one song, the “prev/next” buttons will be hidden automatically. The purchase button is simply a button that takes the user to a different page to where the song can be purchased. Other than icons, the skins are built with 100% CSS3. As a result, button circles will appear as squares in IE8.

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