LCM - Leads & Contacts Manager

Last Update
26 August 2013
Regular License

Professional lead and contact management system. This application is your very own leads and contacts manager. This tool allows you to keep track of your leads and / or contacts, organize them by customizable source, type, and status so that you can readily view and access your contacts and track them. This system is set up to allow multiple users to manage your leads and contacts.

Features: Create your own Source, Type, and Status groups Import / Export leads in csv, xls or xlsx format. Support built in for results pagination, searching and sorting. Installation script to help you get going, if you can install wordpress you can install LCM Dynamic Statistics and graphs to show important information Multiple Users Multiple notes can be created for each lead Leads can have a primary email address and up to 3 secondary email addresses Admins can manage other user accounts Lead creation data and modification tracking built in Add, Remove, Edit leads, and create Notes for them. Changes to leads and contacts are highlighted for quick reference point. Quickly remove all Leads (If you really need to!) in the settings area No Limit on number of Sources or Types, Status is limited by space in top banner


A webserver (tested to work in a linux hosting environment) An unzip program to extract the files PHP 5.2+ PHP Session support PHP PDO Extension PHP MYSQL Extension MySQL Database 5+

New Features in version 1.1

iPad support (Landscape mode preferred). New Site Settings Tab that gives you the ability to: Set the number of results per page for leads and activity log. Name and display a custom field of your choice. Choose The results layout for the main leads page by dragging and dropping the Columns you want in order. More search options on the leads page to filter results.

New Features in Version 1.2

Added capability to change the names and re-purpose most fields to customize your data. Added user role 'Read Only', who can only view leads and statistics. 3 customizable fields. Fixed search to include all fields. Many other minor improvements.

New in Version 1.3

Fixed 'SecondaryPhone' label change bug. Changed order on input forms for Country and State to make better sense. Fixed bug displaying Country in individual lead view.

New in Version 1.3.2

Ability to edit existing notes Fixed a couple of special character bugs on input. Fixed timestamp to match database 24 hour view in log view. Added Advanced multiple column searching capability Added utf-8 support and database conversion routine for multi-language searching, inputs and naming.

New in Version 1.3.3

Lead Ownership capability implemented, and multiple views. Separate views option for individual users - Users can be made to only manage and see their own leads. Admin and Global users can assign leads and manage other users leads. If a user is deleted, their leads go back to the admin.

Login for demo is: user: demo password: demo12 (Demo refreshes data every 30 minutes)

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