NekoCart - CSV-based jQuery Shopping Cart

Last Update
24 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

NekoCart is a fully customizable shopping cart made only with jQuery. No PHP is needed on your server! The main feature is the CSV based product list, that allows you to easily manage your shop and product options… No coding skills needed! Default payment method is PayPal, if there will be many requests we will add more in the future releases!


v.1.1 – Added configurable decimal separator in the config file and improved the CSV editing function accepting now both , and . (Excel/LibreOffice now don’t give back dates) v.1.0 – Initial release


CSV based products, no coding required! No PHP or database required Customizable multiple shipping options Each product can have variants or options PayPal one click checkout Customizable tax Fast and lightweight Tested on IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari Full of Nekos! :3

More features will come in the future!

Testimonials: Meow! (Best shopping cart ever!) - A cat