WooCommerce Product Listing

Last Update
6 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

About the Extension

WooCommerce Product Listing is a WooCommerce plugin that helps you create a page with all the Products of your web site, and let users buy multiple items, just from one page! You can also control the layout of the products list by using the different variations that the shortcode supports!

Now with a great admin panel, to make your life easier!


- Connect to your server’s FTP

- Copy the “productlistpages” folder from the zip into the “wp-content/plugins” directory

- Login to your WordPress administrator panel

- Click the “Plugins” tab and you will see your newly installed plugin – activate it.


You just need to include the shortcode [productslist] into a page of your WordPress Installation. The shortcode also includes some variations also

titles=true – Display the titles of the products list table posts_per_page=x – Add pagination to the products list cat=x – List products only from a certain category image=true – Make the featured images visible order=desc – Assign the order of the listing orderby=title – List the products based on their title imageintitle= true/false : Image into the title, visible or not id=x : List products by ID producttitle= true/false : Display the product title or not addtocartbutton=top/bottom/both/none : Control the position of the Button


v 1.0:

Initial Release

v 1.1:

Added a CSS file.

v 1.2:

Bugfixes, shortcodes.

v 1.3:

Bugfixes, admin panel to choose if CSS will be loaded.

v 1.4:

New admin panel with default display options, change of order, etc.

added id parameter to view specific products by ID

added producttitle parameter (default is true)

added add to cart button option: addtocartbutton Values: both (default), top, bottom, none