
Last Update
13 November 2011
Regular License
Extended License


BetaGate is a simple PHP script that allow you to protect your site for beta-testing purposes without any coding skills needed.

You can protect your pages by adding only one line of code (just for including the script to protect your page). The system is working with invitation codes generated by the administrator. Example of invitation code : d4b9b8e3c84ac4461798f0097cbcabef0997b1fa.


Easy add of the beta-protection to your page with one line of code Up to 9E9 possible individual keys Unkeygenable system with online generation and activation of the code Editable beta-tesing time (in days) Beta page’s HTML easily editable in the code No database, just one file used to store everything

Changelog 0.3 Large bugfixes and improvements (total rewriting of the code), thanks to users for their feedback (and sorry for the time without any update :/). 0.2 Minor modifications of the code. 0.1 First release