QuickOptimizer - minify your JS/CSS. Save traffic.

Last Update
25 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

I can no longer provide technical support for this item because I don’t have time, sorry.

Item is updated – a bug with CSSTidy is fixed which had to do with the new CSS3 background gradients.

QuickOptimizer is an easy-to-use optimizer for your JavaScript (JS) and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files. It saves you bandwidth and makes your website load faster. It minifies your JS and/or CSS files and combines them so the user’s browser won’t have to download many files. This affects the loading speed because there are fewer HTTP requests that are made. Most of the time the browser requests each file just to find out that it hasn’t changed and it can load it from cache. But in the meantime it waits for the HTTP requests to be processed. By merging the files together it has to make only one or two requests. The CSS minifier compresses your CSS files to the absolute limit by stripping out unnecessary spaces and combining some properties together. The files can be up to 50% smaller after compression. It also has the ability to fix some CSS errors and delete duplicating properties, leaving the last one.

The JS minifier can compress your JS files and can reduce the file size by half, not considering the time you save from HTTP requests.

Can I compress CSS or JS that is put directly in the page, not in external file? Yes, you can. And it will also be cacheable.

Great! But what about php processing time? QuickOptimizer caches the compressed files. This means that it processes your JS and CSS files only the first time they are requested, the next time a cached file is needed it doesn’t have to compress it all over again, it just gives it to the user. The cache is automatically updated when you make changes to your files. There is no need for you to manually clear the cache or to wait for it to expire.

OK, but what if something goes wrong? Does it have a failsafe? Of course! The QuickOptimizer class uses PHP Exceptions and that means that if something goes wrong parsing your CSS/JS code you can fallback to your regular, non-modified, files.


Easy to use. Saves you bandwidth Merges JS and CSS files together Your pages load faster with fewer HTTP requests CSS and JS compressor with up to 50% compression rate Fixes some CSS errors Caches the compressed files Compress CSS and JS on page Note: this item uses CSSTidy and JSMin so it is all tested.