GTable : jQuery Inline Table Editing

Last Update
6 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Gravity Table (GTable) is a compliment plugins for the great jQuery tables plugins DataTables. It will automatically create an editable row with an input element and capable of updating the server with a basic command such as add, edit and delete. The GUI are intuitive with a minimalist concept and unobtrusive in-place editing.

GTable Version 0.9.1 Release 17 July 2013 Required JQuery Version 1.9.1+ Required Datatables Version 1.9.0+

Unobtrusive table editing using AJAX/XHR. Automatic setup & less configuration in-place editing for table. Capable of using REST for communicating with back-end script. Quick-start example for quick project start. Cache based back-end quick-start example. MySQL database back-end quick-start example. ORM quick-start example. Support MySQL, SQLite, Firebird and PostgreSQL. Save data to CSV quick-start example. Customizable CSS style toolbox and table. Automatic integration with Noty Plugin

Version 0.9.2 Release Data 6 August 2013

IMPROVE : Code using type strict comparator FIX : Minor syntax typo error

Version 0.9.1 Release Data 17 July 2013

Initial commercial release of GTable Development Package