Tv Radio app

Last Update
16 July 2013
Regular License

About TvRadio app is a Titanium Mobile application developed for Tv and Radio stations, Blogs and Web Site owners. Building mobile app for your business can be very expensive and time consuming. This is all in one app. It is configurable through one file only. So you will need very basic programing knowledge. App works in iPhone ( all models including iPhone5 ), iPad and on all Android devices and versions. App is well structured into Modules, so it is stable, easy to debug and extend.

Online up to date documentation: Navigation One of the best feature of this app is that it has 3 types of navigation

Slider – Configurable dynamic menu. You can change the number of rows and columns Tabs – Native tab navigation Metro – Inspired by the Window 8 Metro Style navigation

You can view the different types of navigation in the screenshot section. To go from one menu style to another you just have to change one line in the configuration file. Described in the documentation.

Radio section This module works with MP3 Streaming. All you have to to is to configure the URL to the stream file. You can easily remove this section if you don’t need. *Note that you may have to prove to that you are the owner of the Radio Channel

TV – Video section In this section you can display video streaming, this includes TV channel or some IPCamera stream or whatever else you need. Same as in radio you just have to configure the stream url. You can easily remove this section if you don’t need. *Note that you may have to prove to that you are the owner of the TV Channel.

News section This module is robust module that can fetch data from any RSS Feed. The process of configuration is very straightforward. The module has Share to Email and Facebook options so you will reach more users to your blog and the app.

Gallery The gallery is one of a kind 4 in 1 gallery that allows the app to display a lot of images and albums from different source (FB, Picasa, Flickr, NextGen). And that combined with the functions for download and share gives you powerful gallery easy to extend and modify.

Contact Links In this section you can add link or action to whatever you need. Website, Fb Profile, Twitter, Call phone, Open Map location etc..

Web Site section Web Site section is a handy place when you can display some web site. You can display remote web site and local HTML pages.

Color Variants There are 5 predefined templates / skins that that the app can have. This color variants are independent from the menu system. Very easy you can add your own template or change existing one to suit your needs. The screenshots are made from the “Twilight” template.

Push notifications There is a Push Notification integration with UrbainAirship. Push Notification for for iPhone only. *Note that the push notification are not automated when there is new article in the RSS feed


Easy to implement – follows CommonJS standard

3x Navigation types. You can easily migrate from one to another Cross platform – Works on iPad, iPhone, Android One of a kind Tv, Radio and News app You can finally earn money from the mobile app. Integrate AdMob Send Push Notification to your app users. Comes up with 5 Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spain Short time to make it work with your settings.

Afterwords There is no bug less software. So please before leaving negative review, if you have problems or question contact me throughout the question section. I will do my best to help you.

Sources and Credits

I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

The metallic slider control –

Beautiful icons from Brankic -

Play button –

Twitter oAuth Library -

Background images by Matt Gentile

Mic icon

Twitter icon

Note *You will need MAC computer and Apple Mobile development license to build your app for iPhone and iPad. Read online documentation to see possible solutions regarding this problem.