Final Tiles Gallery for Wordpress

Last Update
7 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Finally say STOP to the boring multi-column layouts! Keep images aspect ractio, create gorgeous grids with Final Tiles Gallery!


No crop: unlike many other tiled galleries, it doesn’t crop images, unless you decide to use the snapping to a grid, in that case a small part of the image could be cut; Responsive: the gallery is responsive by default, when it’s container changes width each tile will move with an animation; Portfolio: perfect tool for portfolios and photo galleries; Social sharing: each image can be shared using Twitter. Google+, Facebook and Pinterest;

Multiple galleries: you can add any galleries in a post as many as you like;

4 Lightboxes available: choose your favourite lightbox between Magnific, Colorbox, Fancybox, PrettyPhoto;

Gallery management: each gallery is saved in WordPress database so you can edit them whenever you want: you can add, rename, delete and edit the galleries;

Custom links: each image can be linked to a custom URL;

Zoom: each image can be shown in a bigger format;

Shuffle: Enable or disable image shuffle; Styling: you have control on margins and snapping grid; CSS3 animations / JS fallback: the script detects if the browser can support CSS native animations and, if so, it uses them to take advantage of hardware acceleration, othrwise it uses javascript animations;

Mobile friendly: the script works great on all devices, even mobile, that can run a common browser;

Guaranteed support: we alway do our best to help and give support when needed.

Updates: we really, really love to hear comments and suggestions for new features, and most of them are added thank to our users.