wp-justParallax, a parallax plugin for Wordpress

Last Update
22 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

wp-justParallax.js is a lightweight javascript plugin which allows users to have a subtle parallax effect on elements on their Wordpress website.

wp-justParallax.js supports a wide variety of browsers including IE6+, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera and many more!

Customizable settings:

target. Target elements on which the parallax effect should apply.

speed. This settings defines the speed with which the background should scroll.

vertical. Defines whether or not the background should scroll vertically.

vertical_inversed. Defines whether or not the vertical scroll should be inverted.

horizontal. Defines whether or not the background should scroll horizontally.

horizontal_inversed. Defines whether or not the horizontal scroll should be inverted.

Check out the live preview for the full documentation and a playground.