Stick it. HTML5 & CSS3 Sticky Footer

Last Update
11 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Want to show your footer? Stick it. with a CSS3 sticky footer

CSS3 sticky footer is made to be easly integrated into almost any website with a flexible support for modern browsers and comes with packed elements to spice up any footer content. Check out the live demo to see the footer in action.

Extended footer, packed with goodies

Clean design and code Easy to customize CSS3 and HTML5 layout 8 color schemes 3 level submenu Left, right and centered menu or content Expandable bottom menu for special content 2 grid types and additional content elements Animated tabs, tooltips and hover states Included simple contact form layout Well documentated Inline comments through the code for additional help

Need assistance? No worries, we’re here to help Contact us for troubleshooting, help and guidance if you get stuck.

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