OptionTree PaperLight Skin

Last Update
10 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

While developing my first WordPress theme for ThemeForest, I noticed that I have to put in between 10 and 15 h of work just to make the OptionTree options panel look decent. So I decided to invest these hours so you don’t have to! Introducing The OptionTree PaperLight SKIN PaperLight is a SKIN for the popular WordPress plugin “OptionTree” – available here: http://wordpress.org/plugins/option-tree/ ONLINE DEMO: http://tiny.cc/3fayzwUsername/Password: demo/demoPaperLight comes with 6 predesigned colors: Amethyst Green Marine Midnightblue Orange Silver ... and of course you can add an unlimited number of colors of your own (simple instructions included in the help file)PaperLight is compatible with all major browsers: IE 8-10, FireFox, Chrome, Opera and SafariImportant!: To use PaperLight Skin you first need to install the OptionTree WordPress plugin