ProDesign | Responsive Interface Shortcodes

Last Update
20 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License


ProDesign is a responsive manageable organisation of predesigned interface elements presented as shortcodes that can be used in any page/post or custom post types of any kind of Wordpress theme. Every single shortcode has many options to be highly customizable and meet the spectatives adjusting to any site. Also, the plugin has a shortcode manager to set options and forget the hard work of remember pieces of text that are used as shortcode attributes.

Prodesign Uses FontAwesome Icons.

Most common options

Column Sizes: Title Field: Title Color: Title Size: Content Field: Content Color: Content Size: Text Alignment: List of icons: Source of links:

List Of Available Shortcodes

Columns Titles Promobox Featured Box Promo Box Icon box One & Two Alert Box News HighlightDrk or Light Divider


Updates / Changelog v1.12 – August 19, 2013

Fixed category filter Fixed icon size selector

v1.11 – August 14, 2013

Fixed last columns of rows on promo boxes and featured boxes

v1.1 – July 17, 2013

Fixed incompatibility between fontawesome and fontello Fixed Aesthetic on Opera