Facebook Friends Wallpaper Application Script

Last Update
18 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Thank you for choosing Facebook Friends Wallpaper Script. This is an application that uses Facebook API and fetches the user’s friends pics to create awesome wallpaper, that can be shared in Facebook Photo Album, Set as Timeline Cover or Download Wallpaper to use it on your Desktop PC or Laptop.

This application helps in generating huge traffic to your site immediately within some seconds of time. This application, generates a wallpaper and uploads the wallpaper to your Facebook Photo Albums, and tag 50 friends randomly. A custom message can also be posted during the Generation of the wallpaper. So, if a user comes to the application, generates the wallpaper and share on Facebook, you will get about 50 users, from 50 users to 2500, and then 2500 users to 125000 users within some minutes and huge traffic within some days of time. This application will be great source to achieve huge Traffic to the site within a short span of time.


Generates different resolution wallpaper starting from Timelines Cover size to max. 1366X768. Auto Tags 50 friends on the wallpaper automatically. Auto Uploads the wallpaper to Facebook Profile Choose Resolution for wallpaper Customize the message which you want to Post during upload of photo to facebook. Set as Timeline Cover Download Wallpaper to PC or Laptop Social Plugins like LikeBox, Comment Added. Stores the User’s Info to the database. Twitter Bootstrap based design


PHP 5.3 mySQL GD Library Apache Linux Server

VIDEO PREVIEW: http://screencast.com/t/l9qzbiGn