Social Gallery WordPress Video Viewer Plugin

Last Update
16 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Social Gallery WordPress Video Viewer Plugin is the latest from the Social Gallery team.

Now let your users share and comment next to the videos you display on your site!! Turbo charge your users engagement.

Are your users fully engaged with your websites images through the use of the Social Gallery WordPress Photo Viewer if so.. there’s only one thing left for your users!!

Get More out of your VIDEOS. More Likes. More Comments. More Revenue. Your blog visitors already click your videos, usually these are embedded videos from YouTube or Vimeo, or a WordPress embed – but once they have watched your video (and if they played it, they probably like it!) then what? With Social Gallery Plugin your users can “like”, “tweet” and “pin” the videos on your page!

Improve your visitors user experience. As well as better engaging your visitors and driving more likes and shares this plugin also improves the overall viewing experience for the visitor, allowing them to look through your blog media with the left and right arrow keys, just like on Facebook.

Social Gallery Features:

The Ultimate Social Lightbox Facebook-style VIDEO viewing 3x More opportunity for visitors to Like and Share Super Easy Install Better media navigation for users Earn More with Lightbox Adverts (Google Adsense) Fullscreen Mode Leverage all your existing blog posts Light weight Javascript Replaces any old Lightbox plugin Multiple browser’s supported (IE 9+, IE10, Safari 3+, iOS Safari, Chrome 3+, Firefox 3+, Opera 10+) Detailed Documentation with examples Growing Library of SOCIAL VIDEOS created by our team to help you on the way to installing and using this plugin Add custom HTML descriptions New: Now “Per Video”!

Did we tell you it’s easy to install? Developed by the team behind Social Gallery PHOTO viewer

Recently part of the EPIC PLUGINS powerful plugin portfolio Facebook’s 1 Billion+ users will be familiar with Social Gallery

The Ultimate WordPress Facebook Plugin for Video Viewing – Easily integrated just by installing the plugin! Once installed you can view your very own Facebook style video gallery – on your own blog!

Integration with the WordPress 3.5+ Media Manager!!