Mortgage and Loan Calculator Widget/Plugin

Last Update
23 March 2013
Regular License

VERSION CHANGE VERSION 1.2: Bug fix for not showing Feb month in reports plus failing to calculate one time payment VERSION 1.20: 32bit Support Mortgage and Loan Calculator Widget/Plugin for WordPress Let your website visitors calculate their payments based upon the interest rates and loan amount entered.

One of the most unique features is that it gives the opportunity for your visitors to receive reports on their email account.

This is a win win situation because your users will be happy for archiving their reports and will come back for more in order to compare with older ones, while you receive precious stats for later report monetization. Fields used in WordPress Mortgage and Loan Calculator

Mortgage amount Mortgage term Interest rate Extra Payments Email Report

More… They can change any values without reloading page. They can enter “Extra Payments” details although its not required. If your visitors wish they can enable the “Send report to email” option in case they want to have their report sent as an email for later comparison with other reports. After entering all fields select “Calculate” and wait a few seconds for the results to appear.

Every time your visitor enables the email report you get results saved in your Wordpress database under table `wp_a_m_c_reports`. You can use that table for exporting reports and other useful data. Plugin uninstall also removes all related tables.Installation and Setup

Extract zip file locally. Find and edit file mortgage-calc.php with notepad or any other editor. Go to line 148 and replace with your url then save and close file. Then go to line 154 and replace with your own email then save and close file. Upload folder under /wp-content/plugins/ through ftp. Log into your Wordpress admin section and enable Plugin. If you want to use the widget as well just visit the Widget settings under the Appearance section.

Plugin can be used inside any article by placing the following code: [monthly-mortgage-calc] If you want to use it as a widget just slide the “Monthly Mortgage Calculator” widget to your desired sidebar.

Mortgage and Loan Calculator WordPress Plugin Upgrade

Deactivate plugin. Download locally new files and upload them to your website. Reactivate the plugin.

Additional Notes You can use both plugin and sidebar widget at the same time without any problems.For more Financial Calculators both for Wordpress or php/html scripts take a look at my Portfolio page. * If your host is using a php version less than 5.3.x then before installing plugin delete file “mortgage-calc.php” and rename file “mortgage-calc-for-php-less-than-3x.php” to “mortgage-calc.php”