jQuery and PHP powered Easy Form

Last Update
5 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Looking for a simple contact form that has nice, user friendly validation? You’ve found it.

This form loves validation. All fields (except for Company) are all validated through jQuery and PHP. JavaScript mainly for normal users who just love to fill in forms (and to save sending unnecessary requests to the server). PHP validation for those who love to try to break forms or just simply have JS disabled.

Why does a form need validation? A lot of forms constantly get bombarded with spam because of security flaws. These flaws can lead to the form itself being used to send malicious emails to other users!

Powered by jQuery and PHPMailer

Live Demo Check out the live demo by visiting this link: Demo


jQuery animation for validation rules (have a look on the Demo). JavaScript validation so no page reload! Saves bandwidth. PHP validation if the user has JavaScript disabled the form will still validate. Field specific validation, phone requires numbers, email requires a valid email format etc. Anti spam measures (captcha) to deter spam emails. Easy to read. Very easy to implement into an existing HTML or PHP web page. ‘Plug in and Play’ – Simply change the email address and place on your page. Thank you message animation on submission. Error message animation without reloading the page on submission attempt. Customise the HTML email message that is sent User support where possible

Requirements There’s not a lot required to get this form working: PHP5 GD Library (if you want the captcha ability)

Ask for help Please feel free to contact me via CodeCanyon or email at hello@davidpottrell.co.uk. Alternatively I’m always on Twitter to help out.

Changes 01/07/2013 – Revamped the support documents to help users install