Custom WordPress Sidebar Plugin

Last Update
27 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

A Custom Sidebar and Widget Area Manager for WordPress | What does this plugin do?

This plugin allows you to replace any sidebar/widget area in any WordPress theme (no coding required). You are able to replace multiple sidebars/widget areas on the same page.

It allows you to manage your custom sidebar replacements in the WordPress Admin area. Allows you to apply the same sidebar replacement across all posts / all pages / all taxonomies / all custom post types with the click of a button. It also automatically detects any type of content in your theme: e.g. custom post types / pages / posts and allows you to replace any widget areas that exist on those pages. Automatic theme style detection: detects your themes styles and styles any custom sidebar replacements to match your theme styles. (no CSS styling required).

Plugin Features

Translation Ready: MO and PO files are included. Create Unlimited Custom Sidebar Replacements: Replace widget areas on any page on your website. Activate/Deactivate Custom Sidebars with the click of a button. Works with any WordPress Theme that has any widget areas. Core WordPress Design: the admin area looks like its part of WordPress (adopts the new Nav Menu UI style used in WordPress 3.6+). Ajax Search: Easily find the page/post that contains the widget area you are looking to replace for without refreshing the page. Customise the Admin Page: Show/Hide metabox elements on the admin page with the click of a button. Full Documentation Included with this Plugin.

Who is this Plugin ideal for?

Anyone who is looking for an easy way to replace sidebars / widget areas without Coding. Theme Authors: you can use this pluin to add unlimited sidebar functionality to your theme. Great for use on client projects or for use on existing websites with limited sidebars.

View the Live Preview View the Live Preview to see an easy to follow video of this plugin in action.

Developer / Technical Features

Cross Browser and Backwards Browser Compatible (Tested in all major browsers). Already tested and works in WordPress 3.6.

Highly Secure: Checks user permissions, uses nonces and the WordPress Security API to Sanitise Data. Uses the Screen Options API and Ajax to allow you to easily show/hide metaboxes on the admin page.

Rock solid, Robust Code: handcoded, tested and beautifully formatted in Sublime Text.

Uses WP Ajax for an enhanced admin experience. Fully Commented Source Code. Strong Usability Testing.

Update Information

26/07/2013 – Updated the UI and animations to match the nav menu interface in WordPress 3.6 14/07/2013 – Added an option to easily replace custom post type archive page widget areas.