Rcwd Upload for Advanced Custom Fields

Last Update
8 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Overview This add-on extends the functionality of the free Wordpress plugin Advanced Custom Field. Il allows to add a new single file upload field that is external to the WP media core. Yes, you will not find the loaded file inside the media manager, also it uses a different folder for every location (page, post, taxonomy, user, options page etc.) and inside any folder all the files are further divided in subfolders by the id ( post id, user id etc.). Features Options for resizing (clientside and serverside) Options for filtering the allowed extensions Tested with repeater fields and flexible-content fields Support for drag&drop It works on every ACF location (page, post, user, options page, category etc.) (optional) Hidden file path with the (optional) possibility to treat the file as an attachment (force download) Language translation for english and italian ACF compatibility This add-on will work with: version 4 and up version 3 and below Support You need support for it? no problem! Send me an email at roberto@cantarano.com. No support in comments section. Please use it for presale questions only, thanks Updates Don’t forget to check the checkbox “Get notified by email if this item is updated” in your Downloads page To update the plugin: login to CodeCanyon -> Downloads section -> re-download the plugin Current version: 1.0.2 Fixed styles for jQuery Dialog UI Correct support fot HTTPS (bad WP_CONTENT_URL…bad…) Minor bug fixes 1.0.1 improved help file with “how to use” Bug fixes 1.0 first version