Wordpress Social Invitations

Last Update
30 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Summary Allow your visitors to invite friends of their social networks such as Facebook,Twitter, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, Foursquare and more directly into your Wordpress site. This plugin works perfectly with Buddypress and also hooks into Invite Anyone Plugin. Check out our buddypress demo site

Currently Supported Providers : Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, Foursquare

Providers supported by Invite Anyone Plugin : Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, Foursquare

Note: Facebook will send a chat message, LinkedIn private messages in LinkedIn network and Twitter a DM. Google , Yahoo, Foursquare and Hotmail will use Wordpress wp_mail function to send emails.


Widget with shortcode or php function Small Widget to use on sidebars Change order of providers in widget Redirect users to specific page after invitations are sent Defaults invitations messages and the ability to disable user edition Stats of invitations sent Custom CSS Free Support Translation ready

Documentation Full documentation is included with this plugin. Check inside the wsi-plugin folder after you extract the zip downloaded in Codecanyon.


WSI requires some things from your server end:

PHP >= 5.2.0 installed WSI Endpoint URLs reachable PHP’s default SESSION handling PHP/cURL/SSL Extension enabled PHP/JSON Extension enabled PHP/REGISTER_GLOBALS Off jQuery installed on WordPress backoffice Facebook need to have access to ounbound port 5222. Please run a requirement’s test by downloading this file, uploading it to your server root folder and going to yoursite/test.php with any browser. For facebook test if it fails and you have a good hosting , you could ask them to open port 5222 in the firewall.

Upcoming features

More providers Queue list to run invitations in the background Rich editor for default messages Placeholders for messages Accept url, to count acceptance ratio

You can use shortcodes or php functions to include the widget on anyplace. Also it will hook automatically with Buddypress activation page and Invite Anyone plugin.

Be aware that on Invite Anyone Plugin only the providers that share emails will work.

WPEngine Users be aware that your hosting don’t support PHP SESSIONS for non logged users, so Wordpress Social Invitations will only work with logged users unless you ask them to disable cache.

Email limits: Some shared hosting have poor email limitations. If that is your case you can use Easy WP SMTP with an external service, instead of using local mail functions.


Fixed js with Invite Anyone plugin in widget Updated language files Added debug section & common problems to Docs

Fixed enquein problem with stylesheet and js Added check to see if mb_string PHP function is supported Added option to enable dev mode to debug errors 1.3.4

Added DEBUG tab to help me out with support tickets and to check facebook chat status Updated Docs Fixed bug that was preventing widget to display inside Invite Anyone sidebar widget Removed all statics functions from Plugin 1.3.3

Fixed bug when message edition was disabled Added new tab to check stats on the settings page Changed the way emails were sent with Bcc V1.3.2

Added a sidebar widget Added backend to log invitations for future stats panel Css Fixes Improved coding batches V1.3

Added foursquare minor fixes V1.2

Fixed with Live provider Added Twitter Added feature to redirect users after they send invitations Improved documentation V1.1

Added facebook Added ordering feature for widget providers Added custom CSS Minor fixes V1.0 First version released