Easyforms - Generate Forms from DB

Last Update
21 September 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Easyforms allows you to automatically generate forms from MySQL tables, process submitted forms to add data into the table, and generate paginated HTML tables to gracefully output your database to your web pages.

Forms and tables generated with Easyforms are flexible, allowing you to change field names and remove fields that you don’t need. They are also protected from SQL Injection attacks, allowing you to use Easyforms for any kind of form in any kind of web site.


Displays different form elements according to the MySQL data type – Text fields, Textareas and Drop-down lists. Allows you to remove fields you don’t need. Allows you to set custom labels on form elements. Protected from SQL Injection. Can be used to output databases as paginated HTML tables.

Update Log

21 Sept. – v1.01 – MySQL Enum fields now appear as dropdown lists.