CTR Enhancer for WordPress

Last Update
21 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Improve the click through rate on your banner ads by up to 200% with this simple but effective plugin. How does it work Whenever a user place the mouse cursor over your ads this plugin does 2 things via javascript:

Applies a mask on your document to bring attention on your ad. ( technically 4 divs that overlap the document ) A text message related with a specific ad is shown on the top. ( Optional – technically a div that overlaps your document and the 4 transparent masks )

How to use CTR Enhancer This plugin is very easy to use, simply wrap your ad code in a div with the “ctr-enhancer” class.

Example 1: Adsense Medium Rectangle 300×250

<div class="ctr-enhancer" style="width: 300px; height: 250px;"> your [adsense code] </div>

Example 2: CodeCanyon Referral 125×125 with a text message related with this ad.

<div class="ctr-enhancer" style="width: 125px; height: 125px;"> <div class="ctr-message">Buy Premium WordPress Plugins</div> <a style="display: block; width: 125px; height: 125px;" href="http://codecanyon.net/"> <img src="cc_125x125_v1.gif" width="125" height="125" /> </a> </div>

Check out the Support tab above to see more examples on how to use CTR Enhancer. Options CTR Enhancer includes 7 self explained options:

Top Bar Color Top Bar Font Color Top Bar Font Family Mask Color Mask Opacity Vertical Offset Horizontal Offset

Supported advertising programs CTR Enhancer has been technically tested with simple referral programs ( like the envato referral program ) and with Adsense, i can’t guarantee that works with all the advertising programs. Important Notice The plugin author is not responsible for any violation of the Terms and Policies of your advertising program, read them carefully before using this plugin in your website.