Friendly Flip 'n' Fade - CSS3 flip, fade and glow!

Last Update
18 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Gorgeous, subtle and useful CSS3 flip, fade and glow transitions/animations.

If you need to extend your website’s real estate without making your page longer or wider, then you’ll need to utilise your space more effectively.

Want to offer your advertisers a unique opportunity (double the normal 125×125 space without increasing their impact on your website)?

Want to have one image fade into another when hovered? (without having to include a javascript library)

Great for online shops – hover over an image to display a different image – by either flipping or fading to it.

Any content at all including videos, maps, images, etc. can all be flipped (or faded).

Includes several bonus CSS3 tricks including an eye-catching glow effect and a ‘curved corner’ shadow effect.

Note: These effects require a compatible browser – the flips require webkit (i.e. Chrome or Safari) and the fades require Chrome, Safari, Firefox 4 or IE9 . Everything is written with graceful degradation in mind so that the content displays perfectly fine on less capable browsers, just without the snazzy effects.