Wordpress UIElement Class

Last Update
13 September 2010
Regular License
Extended License

In Wordpress you are very limited with your input types. You have the title, the content and then you can hack something together with the custom-fields. But this is a bit geeky and no normal user really understands how to use custom-fields.

Now this is where the UIElement Class kicks in! It works with the custom-fields, but it masks them as if they were super cool UI-Elements build in by Wordpress. Combined with the new Custom-Post-Types it gives you a powerful tool and possibilities you never thaught of! In just a few minutes you can build you own event-calendar, adding a custom-post-type named event and then just add some cool extra-fields like a datepicker for the date, maybe a TinyMCE-Editor for a nice little well-formed description? This is all possible with the UIElement-Class, is that cool? I’m sure it is!