QR Codes (Quick Response Codes) are two dimensional barcodes. Most smartphones such as iPhones and Andriod phones let you visit a website through a QR Code without the use of a link or any other text.
You can generate QR Codes quickly and easily and use these codes to either guide the customer to their mobile website or directly to the shopping app. The advantage of these QR Codes is that they are perfectly adapted to the corresponding shop and allow the use of coupons and special deals, which turns every advertisement into a shopping opportunity.
OCArabia QR Code Generator module for OpenCart . Product URL is going to be encoded . You are able to choose the QR code image size You are able to choose the qr code encoding type. L allows 7% of a QR code to be restored, M allows 15%, Q allows 25%, H allows 30% Simple installation and configuration Cross browser. Tested on OpenCart version 1551. You can get the product qr code image link to use in newsletter template or ads any where
Ex. http://YOUR-DOMAIN/index.php?route=module/ocarabia_qrcode/qrcode&product_id=[product id] replace [product id] by an integer number which is the product id.
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