Woocommerce Products Video

Last Update
7 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

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Woocommerce Products Video

“WooCommerce Products Video” Plugin is a jquery based wordpress plugin which is used to show the wordpress WooCommerce Products Video from youtube, vimeo or upload custom video by user. This plugin will help to promote your online WooCommerce products by watching products video.

“WooCommerce Products Video” Plugin has sixteen (16) built-in Themes. User can change the themes depending on their websites template design. User can also customize the existing themes or add new themes from ”/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-video/includes/templates”.

Before install “WooCommerce Products Video” Plugin user must install and activate WooCommerce plugin first. User can customize Video Popup Settings, Template Settings and Upload Custom Video Icon from Settings->WPV Settings of wp dashboard. “WP WooCommerce Products video” plugin has used in WooCommerce metabox.

“WooCommerce Products Video” Plugin is compatible up to Wordpress Version: 3.5.1 and WP Woo-Commerce Version 2.0.10.

Front View

Features of Woocommerce Products Video

Show the WooCommerce products video with popup. User can add video from youtube or vimeo url and also upload custom video by user. This plugin is fully dynamic and configurable. User can set Popup Title, Title Color, Font Size and Popup Dimension (width/height) from Admin area. It has sixteen (16) built-in Template/Themes. User can change the themes depending on their websites template design. User can also customize the existing themes or add new themes from ”/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-video/includes/templates”. User can Upload/Add custom video icon, set the icon size and also place the icon in different sections of “Product Page” and “Product Details Page”. User can show or hide product video from admin.