Live! for MyMail

Last Update
3 July 2013
Regular License

see who opens your newsletter campaigns in real time!an extension for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin


MyMail Newsletter Plugin version 1.5.3+ enabled Geo Tracking on the settings page MyMail Live! capabilities on the settings page WordPress 3.3+ (3.4+ recommended)

Update Notification Changelog Version 1.0.2

fixed a small bug were pins are not shown on the map in some cases

Version 1.0.1

fixed a small bug in IP addesses

Version 1.0

Initial Release

Sources and Credits I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

WordPress Upgrade Class

Map markers by allur

Files are maybe not included because of the license


Likewise all other items on this marketplace you get lifetime updates of this item too. So if you find any bugs in this plugin I would be kindly thankful to get notified so I can fix them