
Last Update
3 August 2013
Regular License

Customize & White-Label the wordpress administration. Change the colors and fonts and add you custom logos. Extend the admin experience with extra functionality.

DEMO username: gfb_demo password: gfb_demo (the demo wordpress setup and db is being restored to its initial state periodically)


Change the Admin Colors and Fonts (using google fonts). Change the Style of the front-end top bar also. Custom highlighting based on post status (draft, private, scheduled, pending). Custom highlighting based on plugin and comment status. Customize admin footer texts. Remove update notifications in footer. Remove top-bar wp logo (both front-end and back-end). Remove wp version message from dashboard. Add custom logo to the top of the admin menu. Disable dashboard widgets for other users. Extend wordPress visual editor (Horizontal Ruler, SubScript, SuperScript, Font Family Dropdown, Font Size Dropdown, core styles dropdown). Replace “Howdy” Admin Bar with “Logged in” label. Change WordPress default FROM email address. Custom Login Styles (logo and background)

Installation - The installation is as simple as it can be: Just activate it!

Browser Support IE9, IE10, Chrome (edge), Firefox (edge), Safari (edge)

Supports Many Popular Plugins & Custom Post Types We created the Brandmaster in way that it is compatible with any wordpress plugin which respects the wordpress core styles. We also wanted to go one step further and include menu icons for some of the most popular plugins out there. Currently we are including custom icon for: Jetpack, Buddypress, ContactForm7, Next-Gen Gallery, WooCommerce, AdvancedCustomFields (ACF), Facebook, TablePress, The Events Calendar, Admin Menu Tree Page View, Debug Bar, Quick Cache, Developer.

We have also included icons for some custom post types we think you might want. This means that if you have named your custom post type: “product”, “book”, “event”, “music”, “song”, “track”, “slide”, “slides” then you have an icon for menu waiting for you.

Additional Info - You can find additional information and news regarding updates in

Change-log 2013-08-03 | v1.4 = Remove the auto-updater, as it caused errors with wordpress 3.62013-06-14 | v1.3 - Remove the jpg compression function name, to fix an error appeared in some websites.2013-06-11 | v1.2 - Change the auto-update script.2013-06-10 | v1.1 - Change the jpg compression function name, to fix an error appeared in some websites. - Update the pre-made themes to fix an import mailfunction.2013-06-02 | v1.0 - Initial Release