Talk to Us contact form Speech Recognition

Last Update
2 June 2013
Regular License

Talk to us contact form + Google Speech Recognition buttons Talk to Us Contact form + Google Speech Recognition API is an easy to use and easy to install contact form with a spam protection timer.


click on usage.html OR follow the next 3 simple steps!1. open in the folder mailform/ e-config.php and fill in your email address set the spam protection timer and language!

2. upload the folder mailform/ to the root of your domain

3. just copy the code from usage.html or the readme.txt file and paste the iframe code in

your page.


2 versions iframe code twitter bootstrap: iframe code clean HTML

Languages + Afrikaans af + Basque eu + Bulgarian bg + Catalan ca + Arabic (Egypt) ar-EG + Arabic (Jordan) ar-JO + Arabic (Kuwait) ar-KW + Arabic (Lebanon) ar-LB + Arabic (Qatar) ar-QA + Arabic (UAE) ar-AE + Arabic (Morocco) ar-MA + Arabic (Iraq) ar-IQ + Arabic (Algeria) ar-DZ + Arabic (Bahrain) ar-BH + Arabic (Lybia) ar-LY + Arabic (Oman) ar-OM + Arabic (Saudi Arabia) ar-SA + Arabic (Tunisia) ar-TN + Arabic (Yemen) ar-YE + Czech cs + Dutch nl-NL + English (Australia) en-AU + English (Canada) en-CA + English (India) en-IN + English (New Zealand) en-NZ + English (South Africa) en-ZA + English(UK) en-GB + English(US) en-US + Finnish fi + French fr-FR + Galician gl + German de-DE + Hebrew he + Hungarian hu + Icelandic is + Italian it-IT + Indonesian id + Japanese ja + Korean ko + Latin la + Mandarin Chinese zh-CN + Traditional Taiwan zh-TW + Simplified China zh-CN + Simplified Hong Kong zh-HK + Yue Chinese (Traditional Hong Kong) zh-yue + Malaysian ms-MY + Norwegian no-NO + Polish pl + Pig Latin xx-piglatin + Portuguese pt-PT + Portuguese (brasil) pt-BR + Romanian ro-RO + Russian ru + Serbian sr-SP + Slovak sk + Spanish (Argentina) es-AR + Spanish(Bolivia) es-BO + Spanish( Chile) es-CL + Spanish (Colombia) es-CO + Spanish(Costa Rica) es-CR + Spanish(Dominican Republic) es-DO + Spanish(Ecuador) es-EC + Spanish(El Salvador) es-SV + Spanish(Guatemala) es-GT + Spanish(Honduras) es-HN + Spanish(Mexico) es-MX + Spanish(Nicaragua) es-NI + Spanish(Panama) es-PA + Spanish(Paraguay) es-PY + Spanish(Peru) es-PE + Spanish(Puerto Rico) es-PR + Spanish(Spain) es-ES + Spanish(US) es-US + Spanish(Uruguay) es-UY + Spanish(Venezuela) es-VE + Swedish sv-SE + Turkish tr + Zulu zu


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