YouTube Playlists Videos Anywhere

Last Update
5 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

The Youtube Playlist Anywhere Plugin is a Wordpress plugin that allow you to display videos from any youtube Playlist anywhere on wordpress blog/website like pages , posts , widgets , sidebars e.t.c with a responsive layout and a built-in lightbox. You Can place it wherever you want it to show.There is admin panel to setup video hover color , text title color e.t.c

Note : If you want any additional function to be added , please do a comment and we will try to update the plugin.

Main Features:

Easy Implementaion Light, easy to use admin interface ,Just a small string will show a whole channel with its videos on any type of post or page or sidebar.


Color Selection using Color Picker Admin Panel allow to change the border color of thumbnails and the title color of the video using built-in color picker.


Buillt-In Lighbox Video Player Plugin come with a built-in lightbox video player which is also responsive and play the video using ajax on the same page.

Multi Columns/Layout Support Using the Width setting of SHORTCODE you can select the layout of videos of a channel to be in one column or in two columns or more then two columns. Also you can use fixed and responsive layout by setting mwidth=”” (for responsoive) or mwidth=”900” for fixed….


Responsive Plugin show channel videos and play them in Responsive layout, so it is not a problem which device is being used to browse your website.

Unlimited playlists You can add/show unlimited playlists on each post or page , for each channel you have to add a shortcode something like that : [showplaylist id=”plumplard” mwidth=”900” iwidth=”300” total=”5”] here plumplard is a ID of playlist created on Youtube.


All Post Types Supported You can show videos from any channel by adding it to playlist on each type of post. Even its page or post or article or sidebar , you can show videos from playlists everywhere.

Custom Post Types Support It works with custom post types too.So no worry if your theme have any custom post types.

Example Usage of ShortCode For Responsive Use mwidth=”” for responsive mode like this :[showplaylist id=”PLXc6drCLLKaxjiuWVGzQnyZRBqWo3XnEs” mwidth=”” iwidth=”300”]

For Fixed Use mwidth=”900” ( any pixel number) for fixed layout mode like this :[showplaylist id=”PLXc6drCLLKaxjiuWVGzQnyZRBqWo3XnEs” mwidth=”600” iwidth=”300”]

Video Tutorial: How to Use Plugin Coming soon