kk Easy Ads - Managing Advertisements Easily

Last Update
20 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

kk Easy Ads automates the process of advertisements on your website. Managing self hosted advertisement campaigns has never been easier. Keep all the ad revenues to yourself with this useful plugin.


Infinite Campaigns: Need to serve advertising at different places? No problem, create as many ad campaigns as you wish and embed them with ease.

Infinite Rotations: Yes, you can allow ad campaigns to serve multiple ads, each rotated randomly based on either time or page load.

Multiple Revenue Types: Cost per click (CPC), Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and Cost per day.

Easy Embed: Easily embed ad slots/campaigns on your website. Widget, shortcode, iframe or php. Why not embed on external websites? Easily, via the iframe embed.

AJAX Powered: Ads are fetched asynchronously from the database via AJAX. Good for search engines.

Ad Stats: Advertisers (and administrators) can view the statistics of their ad easily.

PayPal: Payments are handled via PayPal.

Variety of currency support: Supports all currencies listed by PayPal.

Extensive Admin Panel: Features a rich admin page for setting up the plugin.


1.1 (20th June, 2013) Added ‐ Variety of currencies supported by paypal.

1.0 (1st June, 2013) Initial Release

Details Click here to view more details.

Video: Creating an Advertising Campaign

Video: Setting up the Processing Page

Video: Embedding

Video: Advertising


Twitter Bootstrap – CSS and Tooltips javascript