CSV to WordPress Import Plugin

Last Update
26 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

CSV to WordPress Import plugin is a very useful tool for anybody who wants to bulk import data from CSV file to Wordpress. Plugin works on all recent AIT Wordpress Themes starting from Creator theme upwards. You can import data to any Wordpress Custom Type we have. For example plugin can be used to bulk import Directory Theme items, Ristorante Theme menus, Testimonials and so on. Plugin can be also used to upload posts and pages.

Fully tested on our directory themes:

Plugin Features:

Bulk data import from CSV (Microsoft Excel) file Plugin will automatically generate template CSV file for the current theme Supports all AIT custom types Supports Custom type Categories Custom type to category assignment Ability to also assign featured image Fully working on 26+ AIT themes Online and Offline Documentation Free support via support forum

Free plugin updates


v1.4 – 31st of August 2013:

Ability to set CSV delimiter CSV compatibility fixes

v1.3 – 27th of June 2013:

Minor fixes

v1.2 – 7th of June 2013:

Encoding issue fixed

v1.1 – 5th of June 2013:

Bug fixes

Please note that this plugin will only import data to AIT Wordpress Themes from Creator theme upwards. Import to other 3rd party themes will not work.

Wordpress Plugins by AitThemes.com