Wordpress toFullscreen Plugin

Last Update
10 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

The live preview does NOT work in the codecanyon iFrame please see the live preview Here – http://www.nuvuthemes.com/extensions/tofullscreen/ Wordpress toFullscreen plugin adds a button to the top left of all pages allowing the user to quickly go into fullscreen mode.

Compatible with Firefox and Chrome – In Opera, Safari and IE the plugin alerts the user to press the F11 key to toggle fullscreen mode. – Not compatible in mobile devices. Integrates the jQuery Fullscreen plugin 2012 by Klaus Reimer into Wordpress – https://github.com/kayahr/jquery-fullscreen-plugin

WordPress 3.5.1 compatible Change the color and size of the button in the built in options page. Color choices are(black, brown, yellow, green, purple, pink, blue, teal, red, grey, orange) – Sizes (small, normal, large) No shortcodes – Works site wide. Just activate the plugin and it’s on all your pages.