Allground - Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress

Last Update
21 August 2013
Regular License

Allground is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create responsive fullscreen backgrounds using:

images YouTube videos hosted or linked videos

Note: seeing the demo within CodeCanyon might show a browser scrollbar since the site is embedded in CC’s iframe. For a real preview, click Remove Frame at the top left, or click Allground Demo


Create fullscreen backgrounds using images that you can upload to your site or link externally. The background can be a single image with a link and caption, or a sequence of images, each one with its caption and link. You can set the link to open in a new tab. Drag and drop them in the editor to adjust their order.


Upload an MP4 video to create a fullscreen background and add a WebM video for Opera compatibility. Mobile devices performance is not affected and will use a fullscreen image instead. You can also link from a external source like a CDN or another server you have.

YouTube Videos

Play a single video or enqueue videos to build a playlist. Drag and drop them in the admin editor to arrange their playback order as desired. Adjust the volume or even mute the single video or playlist. Mobile devices are served an uploaded image or use YouTube’s default thumbnail for better performance.

More Features

Choose the default background to show throughout the site Select a specific background when editing your post, page or custom post type Specify a background when adding and editing a category, tag and custom taxonomy Choose not to use it in the entire site, but only in specific posts, pages or custom post types and/or categories, tags and custom taxonomies Set custom styling directly in the admin and avoid dealing with css files plus have your settings always safe. Good documentation and prompt support Fully translatable Full spanish translation included Admin with support for Right to Left RTL languages

Access the support forum

If you need help with customization, come to the support forums!

See Also AllSlider – Responsive Slider Carousel for WordPress

Alldion – Responsive Accordion for WordPress

Rotating Tabs Widget for WordPress

Product Slider Carousel for WooCommerce