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Xnailer provides the possibility to upload multiple images (with the help of swfupload), copy them into a specified directory, add database entries, resize images when needed.
icons from FamFam multiple upload with swfUpload gallery-viewing with thickbox Demo: User: admin Pass: pass
multiple image-upload (swfupload) database driven modrewrite enabled (e.g. tn35s3.jpg instead of tn.php?id=35&s=3) flipping images (cw and ccw) define a set of needed image-dimensions previewpage for generated images Requirements
mysql 4.x/5.x – database php-5.x (should be running on php-4.x too) installed gd-library enabled apache mod_rewrite Current Version Xnailer 1.2.02 2009-08-02
Updates V1.2.02 2009-08-02
Fixed redeclaration of imagerotate
Updates V1.2.01 2009-07-27
Fixed gif and png rotating troubles