Movies Database

Last Update
16 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Movies Database is an online database of information related to movies. Application does not use database and installation is as easy as just uploading files to your webserver. Movies update Automatically everyday, just upload application and enjoy your new website.


No Database Needed SEO Friendly Cache system Translation System 100% object-oriented 100% automatic movie poster Responsive Design Using Youtube API Using TMDB API


PHP 5.3+ Youtube API key TMDB API key

Change Log: Version 1.6 Fixed Youtube Trailers on moveis page Added Images to RSS Added Dutch translation

Version 1.5 Added RSS feeds for Now Paying and Upcomming movies Added More movie information: Status Run time Budget Revenue Production Companies Production Countries

Changed URL Structure Fixed Title Bug Updated index page layout

Version 1.4 Fixed few translation errors

Version 1.3 Added actors profile pages Added popular actors page Fixed image download, to force download start Modified search to also search actors

Version 1.2 Fixed Selection of movie Trailers Fixed Empty movie page error Modified Application location as it is in documentation Fixed Strip Slashes function in Framework

Version 1.1 Added Missing files Small multiple bugfix related to layout