ScreenCapture - Takes full screen captures

Last Update
20 May 2013

ScreenCapture is a simple and elegant way to take screenshots using the spacebar. Are you visiting a website and want to take a screenshot? Press the spacebar and ScreenCapture will do the rest.


Capture the screen using the space bar or using the application button. Saves automatically the captures on a new folder on the desktop. Do as many snapshots as you want. Extremely easy to use, elegant and intuitive. Supports keyboard shortcuts. Works perfectly on all versions of Windows, including Windows 8. Includes documentation and user manual.

Keyboard shortcuts:

Spacebar: take a capture and save it on your desktop automatically. “A” key: displays information about ScreenCapture. “H” key: displays a manual on how to use the application. “Esc” key: close ScreenCapture or dialog. “M” key: minimize application.