
Last Update
20 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

tinyCampaign is a simple and lightweight newsletter system built on Twitter Bootstrap and the tinyPHP framework. You can send out simple and beautiful HTML emails with ease. You must use an SMTP account in order to send out emails. This is to help reduce spam as well as to better identify spammers abusing the system. Note: In order to use this program, you must be running PHP 5.3 +.


Send using SMTP only Includes 6 newsletter templates Create unlimited number of email lists Email Queue Edit email in queue before sending Preview email before sending Send test emails Import email lists Subscribers can edit profile Public archives Toggle list availability Toggle double opt-in Automatic subscriber forms for each list Custom success subscription url Custom error subscription url Produces sent logs Produces failed logs and moreā€¦

WordPress Download the WordPress plugin to add a sidebar subscription form on your WordPress powered site(s).

Documentation and Support

Check out the support documentation

For quality support, check out the dedicated support site and/or forums. It is easy to open a new ticket on the site or post to the forum by logging in with your Envato Account.