Degree - Bootstrap Skin

Last Update
18 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Degree Bootstrap Skin version 1.0 Degree Bootstrap skin is a lightweight sleek and modern looking set of CSS styles which gives you all the power of Twitter Bootstrap powered by a unique look, enhanced features, usage examples and HTML templates. You get all the features of the bootstrap framework – grids, layouts, responsive design, menus, buttons, modals etc… plus many new features. Features 17 HTML Templates (Including full site) Frontend and backend templates Full Responsiveness 3 vibrant color themes Twitter Bootstrap Hover Dropdown Font Awesome 3.1.1 Add-on Date Picker for Bootstrap Color Picker for Bootstrap Google Maps Twitter Feed Bootstrap Rowlink Bootstrap WYSIWYG Bootstrap Tag Cloud Bootstrap Add Masked Input Bootstrap Select File Upload Full Documentation Included Step by Step Instructions on How to Install Degree? Included Cross Browser Compatible Easy to Use Credits GMap Twitter Feed Twitter Bootstrap Hover Dropdown Bootstrap Datepicker Bootstrap Colorpicker Bootstrap Rowlink Bootstrap Wysiwyg Bootstrap Tag Cloud Masked Input Bootstrap Select Bootstrap Add File Upload Font Awesome