BookIt - Online Reservation Manager

Last Update
29 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

An online reservation manager.Fully Responsive and easy to use. Key features :

You can create as many services as you want You can create unlimited offers/events under any service Available day/date , time slots , maximum space , minimum space , price per space can be defined easily for any service or offer. Clients can browse all services and offers and ask for reservation easily. Clients can easily pay the charge using paypal. Manual/offline payment is also supported The whole design both front end and backend is responsive. You can easily intrigrated it with your existing web site or fb page. You can update anything or check out bookings from your smartphone/tablet/pc at any time Clients can make reservation from their smartphone/tablet/pc easily. Multi language support for front end.Easy modification system. User friendly email text modification. Backup ,Update and Plugin support available.

Whats new in version 1.0.2 :

Fix a issue on plugin installing system Add “Hide avl places on calendar” option on admin panel > system > site settings. If selected then avl spaces will not shown on booking calander. Add “Skip payment” option on admin panel > payment setting.If you want to take manual payment instead of paypal you can select this.Then your client will be redirected to payment confirmation view immediately after booking.Here you can put some instruction about payment. If they pay you then you can edit their payment status from admin panel and payment confirmation email will be sent to them. Add “Text direction” option under admin panel > system > site settings.It toggles front end text direction.

Old clients need not to install it again.Please visit for get only updates.You can install it using 2 easy step.

admin panel login : username : admin password : collab