
Last Update
17 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Are you ready to build your news system without any programming experience ? You don’t have RSS or WP news feed but still you like to add news to your application ? Your solution is YourNews !!! . This project brings a respective news feed with image slideshow , thumbnails , sharing and ect …

Features :

Respective UI No Programming required

No RSS feed required (THIS IS NOT RSS READER) Universal and iPhone 5 Ready Retina display Scrollable slideshow ARC Shake device to reload news Thumbnail images Offline and Online projects are available PSD UI and icon Xib/Nib interface

How it works ? : YourNews uses plist database which you should upload to your website , You have to manually update this whenever you want new news up and then display them in tableview in a respective way !! [For more information please read PDF guideline ] Browsing : Tap on one of the news and then you can continue to reading , also you able to share news to Facebook , Twitter , and send as email and message ( works only on real device ) . To open sharing function hold down on screen.Need Cool iOS Apps ?