Fresh Coder

Last Update
15 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

How much time do you waste reloading your webpage while programming or styling? If your cross browser testing and you have 2 versions of each browser open, as well as your mobile devices, each change can take forever! We investigated this issue recently, and found live.js, But the constant refreshing is annoying! the fact that we didnt like the pure JS always refreshing implementation anyways, we came up with a hybrid php and js solution to this annoyance! Only refreshes on code changes Cross browser compatable by the time you look at the browser the new code is updated! Doesnt refresh on css change, only loads the new css! Works for html, php, javascript, images, css and probably more we havent tested! You could cut days off of your yearly workflow time using this, we are actually using it currently and love it! Just include one file and make changes via ftp..thats it!