Custom Select for Twitter Bootstrap 2

Last Update
15 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Dear All, I am away on holiday untill 9th September 2013. I might be able to respond to support queries occasionally, but I will not have access to internet most of the time.

What is this? This is a jQuery plugin extending the functionality of Twitter Bootstrap. It allows you to turn a default select input field into an element completely matching the style of Twitter Bootstrap with one line of JavaScript.

Why use it?

applies Twitter Bootstrap style to a select input field preserves native select input field behaviour (you can use GET or POST methods to submit the selected value) easily stylable responsive (optionally) by default uses Twitter Bootstrap button styling and field sizing classnames, but this can be easily overridden by using custom ones accessible – supports keyboard tabbing very well (gaining and loosing focus)

Easy to use Example: <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.some_classname').bootstrapSelect(); }); </script> Please note: step-by-step explanation is in the docs.

This plugin requires

jQuery JavaScript library Twitter Bootstrap 2 front-end framework