Embed Vines (WP and WooCommerce) w/shortcode

Last Update
17 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Nethnic VinePress – WordPress and WooCommerce plugin Embed Vines in WordPress and WooCommerce w/shortcode and generator.

This plugin allows you to easily embed Twitter Vines anywhere in your WordPress site or WooCommerce shop: blog posts, site pages, product descriptions. Any plugin supporting shortcodes should be just ready to host Vines instead of static images. Bring your WooCommerce shop to a new level replacing the featured image in your products detail page with Vine videos showing the items at their best. The plugin has a “shortcode generator” admin page to automate the creation of shortcodes.

Vine is the new service and app from Twitter, allowing users to create short 6 seconds videos. The videos (or Vines) are then streamed in an infinite loop like Harry Potter’s cute moving photos. Vines are lighweight and viral, so be sure to ride the wave of the moment by embedding the Next Cool Thing right into your site!